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How We Can Help

At Grossman & Grossman, P.C., we believe in the fundamental concept that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. Too often, you might forget the burden of proof rests on your accusers. Don’t let them bully you. Grossman & Grossman, P.C. rightfully enjoys a reputation for aggressive, proactive criminal defense. You can count on us to examine every aspect of any charges you might face, while keeping you up to date as your case progresses.

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Please contact Grossman & Grossman, P.C. for a free initial consultation.
Experienced representation is just a phone call away.

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When you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, the anxiety and uncertainty
can quickly become overwhelming

CRiminal Law

No one read me my rights; does this matter?

With every case, there are certain factors that may determine the overall outcome of your case. If you were not read your rights, there are a few things that the firm will look at: Did you make an incriminating statement? Were you interrogated while in police custody? If so, the statement may be kept out of court. In some situations, not being read your rights can act in your favor, but it is important that you speak with an attorney first.

Should I explain my side of the story to the police?

No, it is not recommended. Law enforcement officials are gathering evidence all the time, and statements by the defendants are used against them every single day. If you are approached by a law enforcement officer, ask them courteously if you are free to leave. If not, tell them you would like to speak immediately to your lawyer.

How long will the criminal process take?

Each case is unique to the individuals involved, and an attorney can help you determine how long your particular situation may take. Scheduling is left up to the judge, and the court system can be slow. The average life of a case can be anywhere from six to nine months, with some exceptions. Working with an attorney can help ensure that you have all proper paperwork completed on time and ensure that process is as streamlined as possible.

How much will this cost me?

Fees in criminal cases depend on the intricacies and particular issues of each case. There may be legal fees, court fees and attorney fees. When you work with an attorney at the firm, they meet with you for free and set a price based on the unique circumstances of your case.

I have not been arrested yet, but the police are looking at me. What should I do?

If you have not been arrested but you are aware that you are being investigated, it is important that you immediately contact an attorney. When you work with an attorney prior to an arrest, you can gain critical access to witnesses and prevent mistakes that could put you at risk in the future. The communication you have with your attorney will be protected, and you can ensure that you are taking the rights steps to protect your freedom.

What should I do if the police come to my home to speak with me? 

If at home, do not invite the police inside, nor should you “step outside”. If the police believe you have committed a felony, they usually need an arrest warrant to go into your home to arrest you.  If they ask you to “step outside”, you will have solved that problem for them.  The correct responses are: “I am comfortable talking right here.”, “No, you may not come in.”, or “Do you have a warrant to enter or to arrest me in my home?”

We have handled hundreds of alcohol and drug related offenses.  The outcome of your case may depend on your criminal history.  However, it is also crucial to your outcome that you handle the situation with the utmost care from the moment you are contacted or stopped by the police.

What are my rights at a police stop?

When you are stopped by police, it is important that you know your rights and exercise them efficiently. You have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. If you are arrested, you can politely inform the arresting officer that you are choosing to remain silent before you speak with an attorney. Even if you have already started talking, you can inform the officer that you are going to stop and then contact your attorney as soon as possible.

If I am arrested for a DWI, should I take a breath test?

A breath test makes the case against you stronger if you are actually over the legal blood alcohol content limit of 0.08 percent; however, if you choose not to take the test, the Department of Motor Vehicles can take away your license to drive for refusing the test. If there is a serious motor vehicle accident involved in your case, or any type of injury or death, you may be facing charges other than a driving while intoxicated. In that case, taking the test is not wise. In some cases, however, taking the test will likely allow for a hardship or conditional license while your case is pending.

Will I lose my license?

While licenses can be suspended or revoked for many of the alcohol and/or drug-related offenses, it is possible to obtain a conditional license. Those who are convicted of their first DWI or DWAI may be eligible for a conditional license if they first enroll in the Drinking Driver Program.

How long will a conviction of an alcohol and/or drug-related offense stay on my record?

Generally, a conviction will stay on your record for 10 years. However, keep in mind that a repeat offense within 10 years following your first conviction can lead to more severe penalties.

Do I need to work with an attorney?

Yes! Every criminal charge has the potential for jail or prison time. Even if you do not go to trial, you need a lawyer to fight for you. Do not leave your future and freedoms up to chance. You need to immediately retain the representation of a dedicated lawyer.  By retaining Grossman & Grossman, you can rest assured that your case will be in good hands.   Contact the firm today.

  • Assault & Battery

  • ​Bench Warrants

  • Drug Offenses

  • DUI & DWI

  • Kidnapping

  • Manslaughter

  • Murder & Homicide

  • Robbery

Areas We Cover

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Frequently asked questions

What is going to happen in my case?

There are a lot of different factors that may determine the outcome of your case, and when you contact an attorney, you can get a better idea of how your case may turn out. Your charges, the evidence against you, the location and circumstances of your arrest, the prosecutor and your defense can all contribute to the direction that your case may take.